Tag: night
Light trail images are very easy to make so I make them frequently. I discard the vast majority of them, because unless I am in absolute control over the light, or my camera is stationary, images I like are rare. This one I kept because of the juxtaposition of the curved lines of the light…
Hoza Pizza
Certain locations in downtown Oakland can trigger fond memories and one of those locations was Hoza Pizza. One night I ate one of the best slices of pizza I’ve ever had. It was topped with fresh plum tomatoes, garlic and the perfect amount of cheese. The music was perfect, the crowd was diverse and the…
Red Road
I frequently work outside on rainy nights and while I’d rather not do the work I currently do, the artist in me has always found artful things wherever I happen to be. This scene was near a corner drain on a street in Oakland. The red reflection is from a traffic light and the distant…