Tag: street photography
Corrugated Pizza
Corrugated steel will always represent affordable shelter to me. It’s a material that I saw frequently used for the roofs and walls of modest rural homes of in Guyana. My mind traveled back in time, and thousands of miles away when I saw this piece of metal in downtown Oakland. Instead of a roof and…
Pretty Dumpster
I like the density of objects in this photograph. My eyes walk backward from the yellow lettering on the dumpster in the foreground to the orange barriers, to the second dumpster, to the tagged sign, the cars, the third dumpster and finally the distant street and building lights.
Hoza Pizza
Certain locations in downtown Oakland can trigger fond memories and one of those locations was Hoza Pizza. One night I ate one of the best slices of pizza I’ve ever had. It was topped with fresh plum tomatoes, garlic and the perfect amount of cheese. The music was perfect, the crowd was diverse and the…
Red Road
I frequently work outside on rainy nights and while I’d rather not do the work I currently do, the artist in me has always found artful things wherever I happen to be. This scene was near a corner drain on a street in Oakland. The red reflection is from a traffic light and the distant…
Six Drops
As peaceful and settled, as these six water drops appear to be, I can’t help imagining tension when I look at this image. My mind keeps asking when will they drop.
A Little Rain
Winters were rainy when I arrived in California in 2009. Then in 2012, winters became dry at first I did not miss the rainy winters but when drought conditions said, I became worried and disappointed. No, that rainy winters seem to be normal again I am elated.
Shoe & Perfume, February 28, 2023
A child’s shoe sits atop a discarded perfume bottle on the street.
Man & Graffiti, February 26, 2023
The man in this image seems to blend right into the graffiti covered fence and wall.